PETER PAYACK, Conceptual Anarchist, Science Fiction Poet, Sky Artist, Inventor of The Stonehenge Watch

Observing Solar Eclipses-1 Resources (Pasachoff American Journal of Physics, June '17)
Overall Review of Payack's Work
The Stonehenge Watch
Selected poems from No Free Will In Tomatoes
Review of Payack's Rhysling Award Winning Poem
Micro Poems
Spankin New Poems!
Sex Tip For Poets!
Scavenger Hunt For Truth
Science Fiction Poems
Excert from Dark Comic Novel on Suicide
Community Involvement
Contact Info

I'm excited to announce that my new book, The Migration of Darkness, New & Selected Poems 1975-2020 is now out as a kindle ebook that can be ordered worldwide! Over 125 poems! Press here!

Peter Payack's interview in the prestigious Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine talking about his 50 years of publishing there!

The Stonehenge Watch "The must have gadget for the Great American Eclipse, 2017!" The Eclipse Predictor! Order Here!

 (Please Note: See the Link to the complete "Observing Solar Eclipses-1 Resource Letter" by the noted astronomer, Jay Pasachoff , in The American Journal of Physics, June '17, on the left under "Home") 

 Hey guys, I'd love to hear from you!!!  What brings you to my work??  I am just curious to hear from readers from around the world, while I am still alive (I'll be 75 on January 3rd). To contact me text my cell phone: 617.512.9196. Please Identify yourself in the text. My email:


The worldwide comprehensive Literacy program COMMONLIT, has a week long segment featuring Payack's Poem, SOULAR. See it here!

A poem from The Book of Conceptual Anarchy

Peter Payack The Poet's new website

Welcome to the year 14,000,002,025!
We survived
one of the most memorable years in Human History! 
but our spiral Galaxy keeps on spinning!!! 
On September 5, 2015 my mom unepectedly died,
and even though she was 93, somehow I was surprised, and profoundly affected.
As a poet I tried to capture my feelings, as best I could, and turned them into about 50 poems.
It is true that these poems are about my mom,but i tried to capture the experience of a sentient 
being at this time in this place. From time to time I will put a poem or two up on this site.
Here is one of my micro poems that just came out in the Special 40th Anniversary of the Jan/Feb 2017 Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine:
Once mom died
I felt the weight and immensity
of never and forever. 
The best way to contact me is to text my cell phone:617.512.9196. Please Identify yourself in the text,
or of course at my email: 

Prestigious journal from The Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Baffler,
publishes a poem from The Book of Conceptual Anarchy!
(Up-Dated 06/30/14,000,002,025) 

A poem from The Book of Conceptual Anarchy


THE MIGRATION OF DARKNESS, and its many lives 

You know how poems can be like your children, once you write and publish them they take on a life of their own?

Well, way back in 1978, I wrote a poem called The Migration of Darkness.  It was published in Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine in 1979 and in 1980 was awarded

The Rhysling Award for the years best poem in science fiction.  

It has subsequently been re-published dozens of times and in the last year has picked up a few more honors.  

In 2007, the notable writer and critic Greg Beatty said "the poet and the poem were canonized" as part of  science fiction literary history.

And within the last few months, Quirk Press named it as the Numero Uno poem that comebines Poetry and Art.

On top of all that,  a science fiction website, named it number 5 of the top ten science ficrion poems of all times.

And all this while I'm just sitting on my fat ass! (Metaphorically, that is, I just started running again,

after my two knee replacements and heart procedures last summer.

Take a look below: 

Number One Science & Art Poem

Today In Photos, Harvard University, Feb. 8, 2013

Phone-a-Poem Gallery opens at Harvard, Harvard Crimson Article

Phone-a-Poem Archives at Harvard, content details (as of 01/03/2025


Book of Conceptual Anarchy, Volume 1 is out, sort of!!!! Now available on Amazon Kindle as an ebook! 
It was exclusively printed at under the Assembly Line Studio imprint.  However this book could not be purchased.  Each copy is numbered and signed by the author, me!
I also write a personalized note to each person.  Contact me, at for the criteria to receive a  paperback copy of the Book. This book is a philosophy book, written
in poetry.  Serious, but Funny, so what else is new! 
I would only give it to those I deemed worthy, but after the pansemic of 2020, everyone is worthy!

Press here to order the eBook edition The Book of Conceptual Anarchy on Amazon Prime!

Did you know Peter Payack was featured in the PBS Children's show ARTHUR? The episode is Arthur 1308 "Fernlets for Fern" and is now part of the shows regular rotation. See here for ten photos made during the filming at the Kennedy-Longfellow school in Cambridge, MA


Click Here To Read Harvard Crimson Profile

Click Here to connect to the Peter Payack Poet Populist Cambridge Arts Council website

Peter Payack, with his infamous dog, Maxx


Peter Payack at the Dante memorial at the Basilica of Santa Croce church in Firenze, Italia

Peter Payack
Digital Illustration by Peter Paul Payack

PPPP with sons Peter Paul and Mike at the Duomo
Firenzi, Easter Midnight, under full moon

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