PETER PAYACK, Conceptual Anarchist, Science Fiction Poet, Sky Artist, Inventor of The Stonehenge Watch


Observing Solar Eclipses-1 Resources (Pasachoff American Journal of Physics, June '17)
Overall Review of Payack's Work
The Stonehenge Watch
Selected poems from No Free Will In Tomatoes
Review of Payack's Rhysling Award Winning Poem
Micro Poems
Spankin New Poems!
Sex Tip For Poets!
Scavenger Hunt For Truth
Science Fiction Poems
Excert from Dark Comic Novel on Suicide
Community Involvement
Contact Info

Peter Payack has had 100's of Science Fiction Poems published with over three dozen in notable Science Fiction Magazines like ASIMOV'S SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE and AMAZING SCIENCE FICTION MAGAZINE. But they also have crossover appeal and have appeared in major Literary Magazines such as The Paris Review and The Cornell Review.  They also have found their way into The New York Times,  Rolling Stone and Creative Computing. His Poem "The Migration of Darkness" won the 1980 Rhysling Award ( as the Year's  best poem) and has since been named the Number One poem that unites science and art (Quirk Press).  Here are a few!


A new radar detector
that has recently been invented
can not only detect rainbows

as was its original intention

but also has the unexpected
yet astonishing power
of seeing people’s souls.

While meteorologists
and weather enthusiasts
are all aglow about this new

blithely code named “Soular”,

civic and church
authorities are looking
leerily at this new invention.

Church Officials,
are distressed about meteorologists
meddling in matters
previously the domain
of people of the cloth,

not to mention it being
somewhat unethical to have
lay people voyeuristically
gawking into a person’s

The Surgeon General
has now also become involved
and recommended against
Government approval.
Her rationale:  
The soul has never before
been considered
a bodily part
and is therefore beyond
their scope of investigation.

In addition,
The Civil Liberties Union
has intervened
and has asked for a court injunction
to put a stop
to the test trials of this new mechanism.

Under the Fourth Amendment
of the constitution
this is considered
an invasion of personal privacy.
The constitution holds it
illegal to search
a person’s house,
and the body being a “temple”
makes it illegal
to peer into a person’s
most vital essence.


 Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, special 30th Anniversary Magazine April 2007

CLICK HERE to read Payack's Brief Guide to the Theory of Relativity



Star gazing
the wrong end
of the telescope

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